no trunks please...
oh yea, some more pics from CR.. haa.. fun peepz there!
oh..I so gotta blog this..saw this super super cute guy (was a customer..I almost fainted. =P).. wearing...a Standard Chart marathon t-shirt... damn good tan...n juz nice built..not too mascular.. *drools..* haa.
oh in case u dunno..I like guys in a few type of attire...if they actually look good in it...Ill melt... =P (n I happen to see a few this week! wow....Im in luck! haa)
1. Marathon's / Triathlons shirts... n Berms... (*they need to have a nice built too..=)*)
2. Uniforms...not sch uniforms.. but more like military ones... army..air force.. navy.. I think it's nice...more than nice... can't find the really.. SMART..Yup..SMART!
3. PINK! haa..well if they aint gay of course.. well not really pink la..but bright colours shirts.. I think most guys stick to boring.. I LOVE bright colours... =) opposed to many females..... I dunch really like guys in swimming trunks.. so I dun understand why they get male models to wear them in alotta mags... they dun turn me on..they turn me off..haa.. ops.
anyway...let's not get into tat..
think I need sleep.. haa , yay working tomz nite~ =)
with metta...
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