rocking out...cold...
kinda drained..brain-drained. first day of training @ my sweetie friend's shop this morning n ice-cream shop @ holland v (cold rock!) opening this check it out!! (free advertising...hee...)
everything sounds so fun n exciting.. juz a pity I wun get to taste them. so wish I aint lactose-intolerant... in case u dunno what tat's kinda like allergic to dairy product.
I get diarrhea almost immediately if I consume dairy stuff..milk etc. or anything tat contains milk.. actually majority of Asians (in fact 90% of Asians, based on medical research) suffer from Lactose Intolerance..just different degrees of it..
for instance some pp can take 1 scoop of ice-cream..but any bit more than that.. they get the churning n diarrhea.. some others like me.. drink any kopi (with milk frm coffeeshops) I ll start to feel really "airy" in my tummy...
n if I gung-ho take cake or ice-cream... I ll end up with really painful toilet sessions... (ok let's not get into that..)
eh if u wanna find out more.. go see
my doc did tell me tat too much diarrhea's is bad for my body.. so I had better not be gung ho...
hmm.. seriously , anyone gets it too? somehow I m searching for the 90% so I won't feel so alone.. haa.
yea it sux.. not being able to enjoy things most ppl go crazy over.. without suffering in the toilet.. but gotten used to I guess. sigh.. maybe I can get to try the sorbet or the toppings...haa. ... dun think there's any soy-icecream in the shop.. only seen it @ Mr Bean ( the pancake shop..) but there r LOADS n r so easily available in Aus n US lo... *jealous*
watching Ally now... the guy she's with now.. MANZ.. he's darn attractive... sexy le. but quite old .. haa *ops* dunno the actor's name though.. hmm... ok..i need to concentrate on the show ... =P nitey...with metta...
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