identity creation in progress

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

sick n can't sleep

I know it's 3.30am and why the hell am I still blogging n not sleeping... I wish I can.. Im sick..but can't sleep.. tossed n turned n tossed n turned...the feeling sux.. coughin hurts..throat hurts..fever's attacking.. body's aching.. urgh.
see that polar----->> think I look like that now...

haven seen a doctor...for some reason..Im allergic to doctor..I know some ppl just love visiting doctors n getting MCs(maybe this is the only reason they like seeing doc..) ..but I just have this thing abt seeing doc. I dun like the smell of the clinic.. eww..sorry to my doc frens... =P

parents are back (good enough reason to mourn...) haa. picked them up frm airport yesterday..( no not with a bus my dears..) seems like they had fun! well, I remember I used to love going to the airport...often frequent the place to study walk around wishing I was gonna fly off to somewhere...or walking around wishing I was one of the pretty SIA stewardess pulling a cute suitcase, on the way to London (yes..I realised that will never happen..) .
well, but now since I WORK at the airport literally...kinda lost that exciting feeling when I approach the airport..haa.

anywayz...while waiting for my parents to arrive...realised the gates were littered with loTS n LOTS of kids... and guess what...when the passengers of the honoured flight started coming in....ALL the kids were screaming "AH ma AH MA AH MA!!!!!" and jumping around....

for a moment...while I imagined myself walking out from inside...I would have thought we (as in the welcoming ppl outside the gates) looked pretty much like animals in the zoo exhibit glass cages.... especially when the children were waving n jumping n screaming n banging at the glass doors... =P
it was quite a funny sight though.. n what I thought was amusing was that every kid was screaming for their Ah Ma s ..which were different grandmas... n being a flight coming frm was almost filled with senior citizens...n all the ahma s n ah gong s touring their homeland... n my dear parents were probably way below the average age of the tour group..sheesh. haa.
oh but MY ah ma was there too..yea my parents n my grandma n my aunt went oh well, I cd have joined the kids in screaming for MY ahma.. =)

sighz. I still don't feel sleepy.. urgh. I hate it . and u know what's worse..I just dislike telling abt not being able to sleep sometimes... esp my parents will go "You have to change your sleeping pattern..sleep early..blahblah.." urgh. I jsut can't get them to understand it's not because of that.
I can sleep when I want's not the's just the mind.
so many things going tru my mind I can't sleep..NO MATTER what time. I sleep well when Im tired because my mind will have NO energy to think n go wild... sigh.
n the funny thing is it's always me...everything I do seem to be wrong..n not right.. it's always about how I need to do things I have to do it this way..notmy makes life so miserable man. n I hate feeling inadequate. sheesh.

okay..ill stop complaining. hmm..Im really excited bout planning my trip next yr... actually it feels kinda scary at times, thinking about how lost I may be..or how I might get mugged n stuff. haa. but oh well! it's worth a try. Im game for it! gota brush up on my self-defence skills before that! =) u watch out!

nitey sweets!
oh yes CHECK OUT MY NEW TAG BOARD! aint it so cool...and aint that colour sooo me? =P

with metta...


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