identity creation in progress

Thursday, October 12, 2006

choc choc choc..

ahhh...realised haven blogged for the past 2,3 days. been pretty busy.. hmm.. let's see, last nite was at work...great fun I had... was my 2nd official day at work.. but had lotsa fun~ though I have to admit, I did feel pretty stressed at first, since Im raw with all the recipes, drink calling and the way to get things around.
Was quite afraid to frustrate my partners (we call colleagues partners...).. esp. when I didn do things the way it should. din want to offend anyone or any customer! but u know what, everyting went pretty fine, esp. thankful to be working with great partners, they were helpful and perfect~

oh yea, u guys who love chocolates...or chocolatey drinks...go try our new drink! haa, cos we were given the task to "promote" the promotion we were almost greeting each customer with a "suggestion" for their order.. haa. but still, u give it a try, it's a revised recipe of the old one, and if u liked the old one, u will definitely be in love with this! =)

Heard we sold a good amount yest. ..feeling happy for the store! yay! but feel for our poor partner at the bar yest. had to keep doing the promotion drinks due to the non-stop order of the same drink... =) but all thanks to him that the customers cd enjoy a great cup of hot choc!~ =)

ah, tommorow's hopefully gonna be a good day.. quite a few things to do.. hmm. parents going oversea next week..sounds like fun! haa..for me i meant.. =) but gonna be busy with work not really gonna enjoy the freedom to the max .. will be missing them too!

poor mum's having a reeealy bad cough...because of the haze I guess..(that's what every sick person wil blame isn't it?) haa. yea, poor her..coughing like there's no tomorow..with that horrible echo...u know.. it's kinda scary.. gota watch out I guess, the weather's not too well, and the air's bad... so u sweeties out there, take care okay!

alright dearies, gota go now..take care!

(the photos in this post were taken @ the bF musical this year...I miss it...)


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