identity creation in progress

Monday, April 16, 2007 my dreams...

know wat..tink im the stupidest..foolish-est person on serious..when im asked to describe myself...the 1st thing that comes to my mind... Im fooling myself.. =)
well..not everyone can do that u good..too good at that.. my mind tells me the fact..the reality ...but my heart still believes in smtg else.....

yesterday...n the past few days.. Ive dreamt..dreamt of smtg.. really nice... smtg I miss.. smtg I haven been able to feel for a long time.. it's the feeling...feeling of happiness... feeling of being the luckiest person on earth...

have u ever danced? not the clubbing type of dancing..but the type of slow dance..with someone so dear.. n u dance... with no music...just the peace..just the 2 of u.. in the world of ur own.. if u haven done that...u really should.. if u are someone like me..ull never forget that amazing moment... it will last memories...
but then..dun u sometimes wonder ..if the other person remember ...remember the moment..the feeling..... maybe the person doesn't remember anymore..bcos there are better memories ...tat r more worthwhile.. ...n that's the moment... WHAM! u realise u are just being stupid..being just a fool.. .u tell urself move on!..shit happens!.. stop hoping...stop dreaming!

well...if there's anyone out there..feeling this way... just know... u ain't alone.. =)
maybe nobody else can replace those memories.. but just know uve loved n was loved... u can't hold on to a person..but memories..are for yours to one has the right to tell u to forget them..... =)
then just hold on...hang on..for the next person who can make u feel the same way again...*cross fingers*...

忘情水 ..(Andy Lau..)

曾經年少愛追夢 一心只想往前飛
行遍千山和萬水 一路走來不能回
驀然回首情已遠 身不由己在天邊
才明白愛恨情仇 最傷最痛是後悔

如果你不曾心碎 你不會懂得我傷悲
當我眼中有淚 別問我是為誰

啊 給我一杯忘情水
所有真心真意 任它雨打風吹

啊 給我一杯忘情水
就算我會喝醉 就算我會心碎

With metta....too much of it..


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