identity creation in progress

Thursday, September 21, 2006

leave me alone

so damn irritated. just feel like screaming my head off. life sux real lot at this moment. don't ask me why. it just does.
nothing has an answer and every aspect of my life seems to be waiting for me to decide. I hate the feeling. I hate doubting my own decisions.
I hate it even more when people start to judge my decisions. it's like I need to be perfect all the time. if I make a choice, I wil live with it. Why make me feel guilty for doing so. U aint perfect, Im not too.

am already having a bad day..and my parents just had to annoy me further. Why can't I just be left alone. When I talk, nobody listens. When I don't, they say they hardly see me. What about the times u see me, do u ever talk about it? was I appreciated at that time? Why issit only the bad u see?
How come others can move on with their own life, and their parents are just happy seeing them no matter how often. How come I have to always be around? How come I can't have my own space. Im already 23 years old for goodness sake's.
Whatever I do never seems enough for anyone. i just only seem to hear "u never..." and all the negatives...tell me how excited can I be when Im with u all, when all I hear is just about what I never do, what I should be doing, ...everything else I do is just wrong.

I wish they will stop asking me about my plans. heck whatever plans. It does't really matter what I will end up being not good enough.

I hate the guilt game. Why do I always have to be trapped by it, when others can escape....


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