identity creation in progress

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

for all the's over!

sorrie dearies for lagging 2 days! haa, wuz really busy over the weekend and super tired by the time I got home...
it's bout 1.30am now..was thinking of posting tomorrow..but think I'd better get things out before it accumulates! haa. will do a quick one !

firstly...most importantly....Im formally a GRADUATE! what the heck man....after years of mugging! haa. sharing some pics here..more will be up in my friendster or next post I guess.. it was on saturday...and I kinda felt abit fussed over...esp. when my parents were really much more enthusiastic than me.....dressing up...fussed over my attire....snapping shots non-stop like it was my wedding day.. haa.

it was held at Ritz all the more the fuss! a simple ceremony..with quite a small crowd though. My parents n brother were my 3 guests.(we were limited to 3 guests only!) was just on time to get my gown..when I realised the rest of the grads were wearing shirts with collars n stuff...when I was in just a simple top. haa. my mum fussed..(again...) about how I din prepare..blah blah..
then...during the presentation of the certs...boy was I excited..haa.. I guess it was the walking on stage thing....I started having panic attacks! paranoid about how I will trip on the stage (I hate heels..if u realise..I never wear them unless I had to.....they just don't like me.) and fall on the guest of honour.... thank god/buddha I didn't!
oh I must tell u the feeling when U get that damn cert man. u suddenly feel like ur job is done. No more nags about sch work n getting a degree. Because U finally have it, dammit! haa.
actually...I wasn't that excited because the excitement ended the day I finished my last paper. No more studies!!!!!!!
Well, after the dad was so sweet to drive us to the esplanade...took somemore "scenic" photos...then to padang..for somemore photos...sheesh.. felt like a bride..without a groom. *groans*
Must really thank my brother for being my cameraman..haa. thanks sweetie for snapping shots ...n making me feel like some supermodel! => it 's either ur skills or the good camera that the photos turned out great! I think it's me , that's why .....haa

So there u go..little summary about my grad. For my sweeties still mugging for that darn degree, don't worry, ur day will come! trust me. when it comes, u will experience the greatest relief ever! hee.

Oh yes, and sat had to end beautifully with one of the best talks Ive ever been to. Venerable Mahinda's talk on "The meaning and purpose of life". It was held at the DaBei Buddhist Centre and LOOOOTS of people went for it. I was realy surprised by the crowd though.
That was my first time at V. Mahinda's went with not much expectations la.. Anyway,...for u sweeties who haven gone for his talk.. U really should! Ajahn Brahm's talks too! It really helps... For Don't need to be a buddhist or believe in Buddha to go for such talks... because it's about life issues..and we are all affected....

Anyway...I was so amused with V. Mahinda's sense of humour..Believe has been a looong time since I laughed that much in a talk...(whch was ironically supposed to be about serious LIFE...) I couldn't get over his jokes and his amusing accent!...I think I must have annoyed my dearies around me....(Perry? hee)
But I really left in a much lighter and positive mood! And I really am hoping Ill get to go for one of his retreats in Aloka soon! =>

That was a darn good saturday man... one I will remember for life I think... =)
Will talk about my sunday tomorrow I guess..if not..this post will be tooooo long! so nitey peepz!

with metta...


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