punch it up..
the week's been really trying. hmm. trying to understand the insurance policies stuff so i have better product knowledge to help others.. info overload.. n doing that while working @ the other side.. my brain's super taxed.
quite stressed up honestly.. worried that im not performing up to standards @ work ..hopefully it's alright.
got my promotion this week.. that will mean more responsibilities and of course, more opportunities
muay thai was fun today.. din wanna go actually cos am still down with flu.. with all these cardiac arrest cases going up...it's really quite scary. anyway..
yesterday was good too.. went for dinner n
really wanna get a new phone soon..am thinking bout SE 910i or 580i.. really like it. but think 910i s little huge.hmm.
it's a new week again.. all the hols r gone...till the next... CNY. urgh. i dun like cny.. starting to feel stressed up already. can't wait to get over it..really. badly.
need to do some thinking. need a swim too. =)
with metta.
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