identity creation in progress

Saturday, January 10, 2009

thai dek dek (children) day..

Day 36,37
harrasseed by mosquitoes.. there are just too many around here. im surprised they don't have a "Fight Dengue Fever" campaign..there are prob too many to actually control it..
ive gotten so many bites my arms and legs look disgusting! (okay..maybe a little exaggeration..)
couldn't sleep cos of that too. if only im that attractive to humans, as with the mosquitoes..

anyway...10th Jan is Children's Day here.. so....the kids had a HUGE celebration/party.. with the children coming from another centre nearby. lotsa dance performance, games and food! the children love it.
what a pity my camera's down (since i lost the wires to charge etc..) would have taken lotsa photos.

the day before the party, helped with blowing up the balloons etc. was really quite cool, mouth sore though.hah.

tomorrow's (sunday) going to be exciting too. we are going to a waterfall(an hour drive away) for ANOTHER party.. haha. little picnic and stuff. will blog bout it soon.

sabaai dee.


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